• MCOP Food Programs
    Food Programs

Contact Information

  • Tamara Courts

  • tcourts1140@gmail.com

  • 734.241.2775
    ext. 222

The Commodity Supplemental Food Program offers food for individuals over 60 years of age. The program is designed for Monroe County residents who are in need of food to supplement their basic food purchases.

The Community Wide Food Bank Program coordinates a network of 15 food pantry locations throughout Monroe County that aims to improve access to nutrition in rural areas. Each household in Monroe County that is in need picks the location closest to them and goes for food.

If going to a food bank please make sure you have proof of household income, proof of residency, and proof of number of household members with you.

Contact Info

The Emergency Food Box is a one-time emergency offering for low-income Monroe County residents in need. It is given one time each year to qualified individuals and families.

The Mobile Food Pantry provides food in Monroe County throughout the year. The location changes every month. Please contact MCOP for monthly locations.

The Emergency Food Assistance Program supplies food to income eligible Monroe County residents on a quarterly basis at 12 locations throughout Monroe County. Please contact MCOP for locations and times.

The Lord's Harvest Pantry is a collaberative effort between dozens of churches and organizations working together to feed hungry people whille allowing them to maintain their dignity. Clients can browse through the aisles of groceries and select the food they would like.

The vision of The Lord’s Harvest Pantry is for all residents of Monroe County to have an adequate supply of food to meet basic nutritional and dietary needs in their household. With dozens of local churches, non-profits and businesses working together to create, operate and support a community-wide client choice pantry. Residents will be treated with compassion, dignity and respect.

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